guidance & companionship for
life’s transitions
The word Vigil comes from the Middle English word, vigile, meaning, “a devotional watching”. This devotional watching is a way of bearing witness to the life of another. It’s not about fixing or solving. It’s about being a compassionate presence that embraces our common humanity through relationship.
In my work of companioning, I am at home, in the quiet solitude of being with another witnessing whatever arises and meeting you wherever you are. It is soul work that is expressed in the touch of a hand, a deep sigh, an unexpected gaze or silent stillness. The Greek word for Comforter is paraclete, meaning “one who comes to walk alongside.” Walking alongside the people I serve asks me to be fully present. My practice of meditation and yoga support this sacred path.
It is with reverence that I witness, support and walk alongside those I serve as we travel together through the transitions of life.

“I first met Meg when she was a volunteer for a hospice society, and I was the coordinator of volunteers. Meg brings a sparkle in her eye and a light touch. She is fully present to who she is with. It is nourishing to be in Meg’s presence, because she values each person — and this is communicated so clearly by the way she pays attention. I find her safe and compassionate to be around. Her caring intelligence has matured into wisdom.” — Luinda